Friday, 15 June 2012


Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: Oh hey so your a hipster?
A: Yes.
Q: Is that just an Irish thing?
A: No.
Q: Is it in other parts of Europe as well?
A: Yes and also the world.
Q: How many hipsters are there?
A: If we told you we would have to kill you.
Q: Is it a club?
A: The first rule of hipster club is you do not talk about hipster club.... but it is not a club.
Q: Do hipsters ever bear hateful feelings towards other hipsters?
A: Only if they’re hipper than them.
Q: Where does the term Hipster come from?
A: Is is amalgamation of the word ‘Hip’ and “Stir”. Example: to stir up the hip.
Q: Can you ‘be’ a hipster?
A: No, you just ‘are’ a hipster.
Q: If I’m a hipster and I have a child, will that child then, through the process of epigenetics, inherit my hipster gene?
A: Inconclusive.
Q: If a hipster leaves Bruges at 7:25 on Wednesday morning how long will it take that very same Hipster to arrive in Dublin?
A: Depends on the form of travel.
Q: What is the average weight of a hipster?
A: Varies according to the hipster in question.
Q: How many hipsters does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. It is much more hip to light your surroundings with a candle or the torch from your iPhone4.
Q: How do hipsters open doors?
A: They don’t. The door opens for them.
Q: What is the preferred form of martial arts for hipsters?
A: There are two preferred forms of martial arts for hipsters, Hipkwondo and HipFu.
Q: What is the hipsters favorite animal?
A: Hippopotamus.
Q: What is the name of the artist most regarded among hipsters the world over?
A: Fran Bell.
Q: What is the number of scarfs where it becomes too much for one hipster to own?
A: Hipsters do not understand the question.
Q: Why are hipsters into photography?
A: Hipsters believe that there is no past or future, it is all just a constant state of the present. By capturing an image frozen in time, they highlight the truthfulness in such an accusation and also the untruthfulness of such an accusation. Also bear in mind that a camera is a useful tool for accessorising an outfit.
Q: Do hipsters ever court or marry anyone who is not a hipster?
A: No. This is strictly forbidden. One hipster cannot court or marry anyone who is not a hipster. This is often referred to as ‘contaminating the hip-pool’.
Q: What instrument do hipsters hold in high regard?
A: The hipsichord.
Q: Can hipsters ever stop being hipsters?
A: They can under two conditions. 1. Going out in public wearing bootcut jeans. 2. Death.

Sam Homan, international playboy and inventor, back on this mofo.

"The shoe one is joyful abandon, and the other one is playful protest....both shots from when I was in Greece"

"The teddy bear warning picture was at a work site I thought was just awesome and if you look at the teddy all wrapped up it looks like he should be saying...thou shall not pass!!!"

"The dog pic was just lying on the ground on the street.....made me think of joyful abandon."

Sam Homan, gracias!

Nyree & Brian
Hipsters we met and liked

"Whatev's, we're over it"

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