Friday, 29 June 2012

Sunday is the hippest day of all

And on the seventh day the Lord said, let them hip.

And so we did.

We hipped. All day long. What did we do? Well my fellow hipster let me tell you.

On Sunday we awoke at a house party (which was still going), finished off some whiskey with a blind man from Kildare who used to tour with The Beatles when he was younger. So he told us loads and loads of stories (like Paul and John once dated for 4 months before one of them took acid for the first time and went a-sexual) which everyone who was sitting around in a circle in the back garden really enjoyed except for Nyree & I who just shrugged our shoulders and muttered whatev's. This annoyed some people there and they told us to our faces. Nyree & I we're going to tell them to get over it but then we realised we didn't care and just went on living our lives. When left in the afternoon, had food (Wild Salmon with Jumbahil sauce which comes from pure hemp), had an afternoon beer near Portobello Bridge and then walked into town barefoot. We had decided at around 4 AM the night before that shoes were out and that we would start rocking the Le barefoot'chic look. On our arrival into town we threw eggs at KFC for the irony then fell asleep in Stephen Green park. We awoke to the sound of the police moving us on saying that the park was closing so we headed on up to our apartment and got our nordic friend Anved to bring his acoustic guitar to accompany us playing scrabble on our roofgarden till the early hours. By the time we hit the bed, we were hipped out of it.

P.S You might say that scrabble is not that Hipster but when your only allowed to use Flemish words and you don't speak Flemish well then my hipster friend, it get's a whole lot interesting.

P.S.S. Anved is a good friend and is pretty hipster himself but he lives with an even BIGGER hipster than himself. Her name?... Natalie Radmall-Quirke. Boom!

This is my brother Simon, joyfully abandoning himself against the Melbourne skyline at Shrine of Remembrance.  The shine was erected in 1934 to commemorate the 114,000 Victorian Australians who enlisted in the First World War, 19,000 of whom never returned home.  My Brother, in happier circumstances, won’t come home either.

My brother Simon, making a habit of joyfully abandoning himself.  Also playfully protesting against the government warnings.

Who’s MAGIC HOUR?  Mine?  Are you talking to me?  OUR.  Who is we?  Why is it MAGIC?  Is it MAGIC?  Why not?  Just an HOUR?  Why am I on this boat?  (Taken from a sight-seeing boat on Yarra River, this sign by artist Ugo Rondinone creatively disrupted my brain for the next hour. Which was sort of magic.)

Same with this brick which is attached to the ground in an innocuous corner of Sydney over-looking a school that used to be a prison. The artist is Will Coles.

Manila. Sometimes the powerlines overhead are so many they create a canopy, it’s almost like being indoors with no sky.  Kind of beautiful though.  Creative Disruption.

London. It’s just litter but these cans look like they’re making a point.

What do our fellow hipsters do? Hip all over thee world! Boom times two starring Natalie Radmall-Quirke.

Nyree & Brian
Hipsters we met and liked

"Whatev's, we're over it".

Friday, 15 June 2012


Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: Oh hey so your a hipster?
A: Yes.
Q: Is that just an Irish thing?
A: No.
Q: Is it in other parts of Europe as well?
A: Yes and also the world.
Q: How many hipsters are there?
A: If we told you we would have to kill you.
Q: Is it a club?
A: The first rule of hipster club is you do not talk about hipster club.... but it is not a club.
Q: Do hipsters ever bear hateful feelings towards other hipsters?
A: Only if they’re hipper than them.
Q: Where does the term Hipster come from?
A: Is is amalgamation of the word ‘Hip’ and “Stir”. Example: to stir up the hip.
Q: Can you ‘be’ a hipster?
A: No, you just ‘are’ a hipster.
Q: If I’m a hipster and I have a child, will that child then, through the process of epigenetics, inherit my hipster gene?
A: Inconclusive.
Q: If a hipster leaves Bruges at 7:25 on Wednesday morning how long will it take that very same Hipster to arrive in Dublin?
A: Depends on the form of travel.
Q: What is the average weight of a hipster?
A: Varies according to the hipster in question.
Q: How many hipsters does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. It is much more hip to light your surroundings with a candle or the torch from your iPhone4.
Q: How do hipsters open doors?
A: They don’t. The door opens for them.
Q: What is the preferred form of martial arts for hipsters?
A: There are two preferred forms of martial arts for hipsters, Hipkwondo and HipFu.
Q: What is the hipsters favorite animal?
A: Hippopotamus.
Q: What is the name of the artist most regarded among hipsters the world over?
A: Fran Bell.
Q: What is the number of scarfs where it becomes too much for one hipster to own?
A: Hipsters do not understand the question.
Q: Why are hipsters into photography?
A: Hipsters believe that there is no past or future, it is all just a constant state of the present. By capturing an image frozen in time, they highlight the truthfulness in such an accusation and also the untruthfulness of such an accusation. Also bear in mind that a camera is a useful tool for accessorising an outfit.
Q: Do hipsters ever court or marry anyone who is not a hipster?
A: No. This is strictly forbidden. One hipster cannot court or marry anyone who is not a hipster. This is often referred to as ‘contaminating the hip-pool’.
Q: What instrument do hipsters hold in high regard?
A: The hipsichord.
Q: Can hipsters ever stop being hipsters?
A: They can under two conditions. 1. Going out in public wearing bootcut jeans. 2. Death.

Sam Homan, international playboy and inventor, back on this mofo.

"The shoe one is joyful abandon, and the other one is playful protest....both shots from when I was in Greece"

"The teddy bear warning picture was at a work site I thought was just awesome and if you look at the teddy all wrapped up it looks like he should be saying...thou shall not pass!!!"

"The dog pic was just lying on the ground on the street.....made me think of joyful abandon."

Sam Homan, gracias!

Nyree & Brian
Hipsters we met and liked

"Whatev's, we're over it"

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Hip = MC2

Hip = MC2.

This is a scientific fact. 

Another little known fact is that hipsters are scientific. We think of things scientifically. It's science. 

We like movies called Weird Science, That's Science, Hey! Look at that Scientist! and Science Freaks 5 - Revenge of the Science. These were all classic cinematic staples in our formative hipster years. I have early memories of carrying around a Bunsen Burner just cause it matched the white jacket I was wearing and completed the outfit. Nyree once created a whole new drink called HipCola which was a variation on CocaCola. They sued us. We settled out of court. Well, our parents did. 

Sometimes on lazy summer afternoons we could sit for hours in a park and just talk about all the scientific hipsters out there, Hawking, Einstein, Heisenberg, Faraday, Kepler, Madden - Wait. What? Did you just say Madden? Is that what your asking?... Well, yes I did my fellow hipster. Conor Madden. Check this out. 

It is a common misconception that the Big Bang was the origin of the universe.
In reality, the Big Bang scenario is completely silent about how the universe came into existence in the first place.
In fact, the closer we look to time "zero," the less certain we are about what actually happened, because our current description of physical laws do not yet apply to such extremes of nature.

The Big Bang scenario simply assumes that space, time, and energy already existed.
But it tells us nothing about where they came from - or why the universe was born hot and dense to begin with.

Hipster. Scientist. Legend. Danke Madden! 

P.S. If you look closely at the photo you'll get a nice lil surprise!

Nyree & Brian
Hipsters we met and liked

"Whatev's, we're over it"

Sunday, 3 June 2012

NYC to the H.I.P

Wednesday. In the smoking area of a restaurant where all the food is organic. A random young guy approached our table right as we we're about to have post conversation cigarettes.


NYREE & BRIAN sit at a table rolling themselves cigarettes. An unfashionable RANDOMER (20's) walks towards their table and speaks.

RANDOMER: Oh hey! Listen, I was meaning to talk to you.

NYREE & BRIAN: What is it?

RANDOMER: I really wanna be a hipster!


RANDOMER: So, what do you think? Can do it? Can you help me?


RANDOMER: .... Are you gonna say anything? Why you making those faces?

NYREE & BRIAN: These are our faces.

RANDOMER: You know what I mean. 

NYREE & BRIAN: Nope. Don't think we do.

RANDOMER: GUYS! (Lowers tone) I really wanna be a hipster. Im serious. Do you think you can help me?

NYREE & BRIAN: What's your name?



FRANK: Yeah Frank.

NYREE & BRIAN: We thought only old men were called Frank.

FRANK: Ok, you know what? If you don't wanna help me that's -

FRANK goes to walk away.

NYREE & BRIAN: Wait. Easy now. Hush now child. Maybe we can help you. Sit down.

FRANK does so. NYREE & BRIAN light their cigarettes. Slowly. 

NYREE & BRIAN (CONT'D): Why do you want to be a hipster?

FRANK: I don't know. I just have this feeling inside me that I'm meant for great things. That I'm meant to be hip.

NYREE & BRIAN: Like a warm fuzzy feeling?

FRANK: Yeah! Like that!

NYREE & BRIAN: Ok. How do you wear your jeans?

FRANK: Skinny. And if not, then I wear baggy pants in an ironic way. 


FRANK: Deckshoes, boots, slip-ons, anything that is fashionable but could be construed that I don't care what I'm wearing and the fact that the viewing public find my shoes fashionable is purely by coincidence. 

NYREE & BRIAN: Glasses?

FRANK: Always thick rimmed glasses. Even though I don't need them.

NYREE & BRIAN: Coffee?

FRANK: Always over tea. And if they have no coffee then I go someplace else.

NYREE & BRIAN: Favorite film and album?

FRANK: I could tell you but they are so obscure that you've probably never heard of them. 

NYREE & BRIAN: Belgium? 

FRANK: Spiritual home.

NYREE & BRIAN look at each other, stub out their cigarettes and turn back once more facing FRANK.

NYREE & BRIAN: Ok, I think we can help you.

FRANK: No way! Seriously?! I'm so excited!


NYREE & BRIAN look at each other again. Then get up and get their things together to leave.

FRANK (CONT'D): Guys?...


FRANK: Huh? What's going on?

NYREE & BRIAN: Hipsters don't get excited. You got excited. We can't help you. See you around.

FRANK: (Close to tears) But what about the warm fuzzy feeling? What about that?

NYREE & BRIAN: Listen to Coldplay.

FRANK: I don't get it.

NYREE & BRIAN: Of course you don't.

NYREE & BRIAN walk away leaving FRANK, now on his knees and crying, alone.

Sam Homan, international model, man of mystery, Panda lover and all around good guy sent us in these from his current home in New York!

"Joyful Abandon: Alone with bike and bridge and only one thing to do......peddle!!"

"Joyful Abandon: Living with 11 people, sharing a room with 3 other boys and working in a big City like NYC its hard to find time that you alone so when you do find it you just take it all in..."

He sent us in a bunch from his time in South Korea that we'll put up soon. Danke Sammy!  

Nyree & Brian
Hipsters we met and liked

"Whatev's, we're over it"